
Breast Enlargement Naturally

Natural Breast Enlargement

breastMany Asian women have smaller sized breast and most of them wish they could improve the breast size as well as the breast tone. This is attributed to the notion that women with larger breast size are sexier and has a higher probability to find a mate.

Since 1992, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that breast augmentation is the number one cosmetic surgery procedure done on women. While the cost of surgical breast augmentation has become more affordable, accessible and more advanced. Its continued popularity is in the rise not only in the United States but even in Asian countries like the Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Going under a knife is not a risk free endeavor. There are a lot of breast augmentation procedures that have gone wrong in the past, from the quality of the implants used to the competency of the one doing the procedure. But then again, these were in the past and a lot has changed since then. We have known a couple of Filipina women who have undergone successful breast augmentation which were done by competent surgeons, and they seemed to be very happy with it.

However, surgery is not the only way to increase the breast size and improve the breast tone of women. There are now a lot of natural breast enhancing products in the market that claim to make breasts bigger, make it fuller and improve the tone. Some of these product claims are short of miraculous, but others may offer some promising results.

To understand how a woman’s breast develops is the key to improve your breast size. Breast development is a result of hormones in a woman’s body and many of these natural breast enhancing products use plant based hormone supplements to help the body have the needed hormones in developing the breast tissues. Although Modern Medicine would not agree that this is possible, but by experience it does work. If you are interested to know how to increase breast size naturally then read on

Natural Breast Enlargement Exercises

A woman’s breast does not have muscles and is made up of fat cells, milk-ducts and glands held together in a web of soft connective tissues. Exercise does not directly enlarge the breast but it can tone up the muscles beneath the breast tissues giving a firmer and stronger muscle base that can help lift the breast making it appear larger. The following exercises may be done to improve your breast tone. Consult your doctor before doing these exercises.

breast_exercise_pecPec Press: Pec press is a breast exercise to strengthen breast muscles using three-to five-pound weights. The exercise is done by lying on your back, with knees bent. With your arms outstretched to each side, slowly and gradually bring your arms together, hold for one second and then slowly lower your arms again. Work your way up to three sets of 10 - 12 reps every other day.

Butterfly Press: Butterfly press for breast exercise is more effective using an exercise machine as seen in breast_exercise_butterflythe image.But it can also be done using two three to five-pound weights, sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and arms at your sides. Then slowly raise your arms to the side to shoulder level. Hold this position for a count of four, and then slowly return to starting position. Work your way up to three sets of five to seven reps every other day.

wall-upsWall ups: This breast exercise is done by standing facing a wall. Place your hands at chest level flat against the wall. Lean slowly toward the wall using your arm and chest muscles to control your motion until you have your nose against the wall. Position your hands and the distance of your feet from the wall where you will feel the maximum stress in your breast for optimum effect. Push back to your original position. Repeat this motion 15 times every other day.

Push-Ups: This breast exercise is done by lying face down on the floor, your body straight with hands flat on the floor supporting your body. Bend your arms slowly to lower your body maintaining a straight body posture. Position your hands where you will feel maximum stress from your breast. Repeat these five times every other day.push-ups

Natural Breast enlargement Diet

Breasts are basically made up of milk ducts and glands, fats and tissues. It is therefore suggested to maintain acceptable layer of fat in the skin to maintain breast form and tone. While there are no foods that may promote breast enlargement, but there are foods that may restrict or interact with herbal supplements for breast enlargement, such foods as caffeine, too much sugar, salt and fats.

Natural Breast Enlargment Massage

A recommended way to achieve breast enlargement is by massage. Many claimed that breast massage can stimulate and increase blood flow through the breast helping in the development of mammary tissues and in eliminating unwanted toxins. Below are the images of how to massage breast to stimulate growth.

Massage 1massage 2massage 3

There is another suggested form of breast massage that is somewhat controversial but worth the try if you maybe comfortable with it. There is no scientific evidence that this works and personal discretion is therefore advised. The argument from this form of massage is that when a woman is sensually excited, female hormones goes up and the breast tends to enlarge. It is suggested that a prolonged state of excitement while massaging the breast may bring a more permanent enlarged result. It is however suggested that the state of orgasmic climax be avoided or suspended since after this the whole body relaxes and the breast tend to lax while the constellation of hormones likewise changes.

Natural Breast Enlargment Cream

Herbal creams for breast enlargement works by massaging the cream directly onto your breast. Aside from the herbs and plant extracts that contains plant derived estrogen, these creams usually contain essential oils, moisturizers and Vitamin E to promote and stimulate breast cells growth. They also work by tightening the skin of your breast giving the much needed lift.

There are however women who maybe allergic to some of its herbal ingredients. If itchiness or sores occurs, stop its use. Do read the labels and follow application instructions.

Breast enlargement using herbal creams may have minimal results. It may take months to have a noticeable result, while to others it may not work at all.

Herbal breast enlargement creams are pretty much affordable and are sold in large containers that you’ll use for months. Having the cream gives the incentive to massage the breast regularly which offers an added benefit of removing unwanted toxins from the breast tissues

Natural Breast Enlargment Pills and Capsules

Herbal pills or capsules for breast enlargement contain ingredients such as fenugreek, fennel seeds, wild yam and saw palmetto. These herbs are traditionally used to regulate, control and/or boost female hormones for centuries. They are generally safe to use but to some it may cause allergic reactions. In some cases, there are reports that continued daily intake of herbal pills for as early as 3 months have given a noticeable increase in size of the breast from ½ to 1 cup, while to others it may take a while to have a noticeable result.

There are reported feelings of swelling or soreness of the breast tissues but mostly tolerable. However, though it is rare, some women maybe allergic to herbs that may result to painful swelling, shortness of breath or other uncomfortable symptoms. It is best to keep this in check while taking breast enlargement pills.

These herbal pills and capsules does not only promote breast growth but it may also help to provide relief from pain related to PMS and menopause.

Natural Breast Enlargment Pills and Capsules

Just like any other life’s endeavor, having a goal to enlarge your breast naturally will take determination, consistency and a positive attitude since it will take a while to see some results. Buy your herbal creams and supplements from reputable sources and stick to your regimen. It will not only promote larger breast but it will also promote general good health. The following is a suggested holistic approach to have a larger breast naturally

  • Exercise regularly and incorporate the suggested breast enlargement exercises mentioned above in your routine. A generally active and healthy body will project an attractive aura not only centered in your breast.
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Take multivitamins and minerals
  • Take your herbal breast enlargement pills as directed in the label,
  • Apply and massage herbal breast enlargement creams twice a day. You may also take some fun with it by involving your boyfriend or your husband.
  • Take a 3 minute visualization session that your breast is actually getting bigger,
  • Don't wear bra whenever possible to free breast growth.

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